March 30 2021

MW065 | Converting the 98% of Your Prospective Customers With Programmatic

Programmatic advertising ensures your budgets work harder and smarter by utilising data modelling and machine learning to inform real-time bidding and expert retargeting. This ensures your advertising budget is spent in the places that are proven to convert potential buyers into paying customers. Leading global programmatic provider AdRoll joins paid specialists from Mediaworks to discuss how programmatic advertising can represent a source of competitive advantage. They explain how you can deliver personalised advertising to new and existing target audiences that keep your brand front of mind throughout the entire customer journey, increasing your return on investment.

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June 25 2024

MW168 | Clicks and Codes: Navigating Web Development and UX

Join our experts to align UX design with business objectives, foster cross-team collaboration, and maintain data privacy compliance.
May 21 2024

MW167 | Engage & Convert: The Art of Paid Social

In this episode, our experts provide an insight into the complexities and strategies for success in Paid Social. We discuss the sophisticated techniques for identifying and refining target demographics, creating engaging ads and choosing the right platforms amidst a competitive digital landscape.