News, Insights & Events

July 13 2021

MW077 | Paid Advertising Management vs The Machine

'Get more value with less effort', ‘Unlock more growth and greater efficiency', and 'Increase your conversions' are common promises made by search vendors to market their machine learning and automation advertising platforms. Whilst the power of carefully managed machine learning drives clear performance growth, the real key is knowing what to automate, when to automate it, and most importantly, when not to engage the machine.
July 06 2021

MW076 | Thumb-Stopping Creative to Ignite Your Social Engagement

Social Media remains a vastly underused marketing tool. It is the perfect platform to build and nurture loyal communities around your brand, or equally as powerful when used to engage new audiences and fuel customer acquisition through paid advertising campaigns.
June 29 2021

MW075 | Minimise Loss and Maximise Your Conversions with 5 CRO Testing Hacks

Understanding your customers and adapting your website to their changing wants and needs through a 'test and refine' approach is key to maximising return on marketing spend. By continuously improving and optimising each website opportunity, you will maximise the impact of almost every other marketing activity you undertake.
June 22 2021

MW074 | Reimagine Your Customer Experience: Fuel Customer Acquisition and Grow Your Recurring Revenues.

Research shows that 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience, but only 1% believe that businesses consistently meet those expectations. As more and more people move to product and service delivery online, those organisations that can evolve and reimagine their customer experiences in a digital world will set themselves apart from their competition.
June 15 2021

MW073 | Engaging Your Audience at Their Social Hangouts: Maximising Social Media Advertising ROI

TikTok… Instagram… LinkedIn… Facebook… Each social media platform has a reputation for the audience it attracts and the content they engage with.
June 08 2021

MW072 | Avoid Insta-geddon. Own Your Social Communities.

Global lockdowns have driven a dramatic change in public behaviours. Professionals and consumers have globally shifted in droves to build networks, engage with brands, and interact with businesses on social media. People are spending more time on social than ever before, watching live events, talking, debating, and celebrating the products and services they love.
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