News, Insights & Events

November 09 2021

MW093 | Affiliate – The Marketing Space You Need to Dominate

Over £10 billion in advertising spend is utilised on affiliate marketing worldwide every year, and it has become an essential component of the marketing mix for many global brands. Last year, LinkedIn rated affiliate marketing in the top 10 hard skills that companies need to master.
November 02 2021

MW092 | Harness Psychology to Boost Website Conversions

Data shows you more than just what your customer is doing – it can show you what they’re thinking. Crack that code and you’ll be two steps ahead of the game.
October 26 2021

MW091 | 3 Step Guide to Full-Funnel Video Marketing: Platforms, Function, and Paid Promotions

With over 54% of UK consumers wanting to engage with more video content, this format should play a pivotal role across your entire purchase journey. Businesses who embrace video – from new brand and product discovery to guiding customers to purchase – will gain a vital advantage in an increasingly competitive online world.
October 19 2021

MW090 | Digital PR: Place Your Brand on the Largest Websites in the World

Digital PR is one of the most powerful marketing disciplines, combining the power of SEO practices with PR’s traditional approach to generating mass medias interest. 73% of adults use digital platforms to access news. Almost nine out of ten news outlets now share their stories across Apple News amid a growing trend in investment in digital platforms syndicating its content.
October 12 2021

MW089 | Own the Retail Season Through Search with Google

Over 90% of all online transactions engage across search within the purchase journey. Retailers that aren’t prioritising search, look set to lose out to competition in what looks set to be one of the biggest online retail periods, following on from last year’s record-breaking levels of online purchasing.
October 05 2021

MW088 | Building High Performance Teams: Double Down on Digital Learning

The pace of change in the world of marketing is dramatically accelerating. As devices, platforms and channels that we consume increasingly diverge, so do the skills and knowledge required to maintain and grow as impactful marketeers. But how do we and our teams keep up with this rapid pace of change?
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